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Какъв е твоят демон...?

unreal girl
Eyes On Fire
Elune Be Praised*
19 posters

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  Megaphy Пет 23 Окт 2009, 19:35

Това е тест свързан с филма "Златният Компас" или иначе казано тест, който разкрива вас самите и показва, кое животно отива на характера ви. Не харесвам самия филм, но намерих това и открих, че е АБСОЛЮТНО вярно. Поне за мен... има доста текст при резултатите, за който си струва да отговориш на всички тия въпроси.

Age : 29
Reputation : 3
Брой мнения : 2356
Дата на регистрация : 25.10.2008

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  Enery Пет 23 Окт 2009, 20:28

Какъв е твоят демон...? 7692355709670232387

Multi-Faceted Soul

In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone a lot, but you don't like being constantly surrounded, either. You can be shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't "TOO" anything: You aren't too shy, you aren't too aggressive, you aren't too extroverted, you aren't too introverted. However at any one time you can be any combination of these things.

You tend to adapt yourself to match the situations in which you find yourself. You may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of your personality. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you. They may even tend to idealize you a bit. Then, when you do something that doesn't fit their concept of who you are (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke)they can be shocked and surprised. Does anyone know the real you?

Your daemon would represent your multi-faceted and ever-changing personality, as well as people's tendency to idealize you. He or she would get angry when you did not, be calm and poised when you felt ruffled and anxious, and always be the voice of emotion and reason in your ear.

Suggested forms: Swan, Elephant, Koala, Panda, Chameleon, Wolf.

Age : 30
Humor : bullshit much, huh?
Reputation : 6
Брой мнения : 3080
Дата на регистрация : 27.02.2008

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  ~|~Crazy_kid~|~ Пет 23 Окт 2009, 20:59

Какъв е твоят демон...? 10400317589132438594

    Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test ...
    Tough Sensitive Soul

    You are a family oriented person, and you are a good friend. You are selective about who you call "friend", however - not every acquaintance makes the cut. You like to spend regular time with the people whom you are close to, but you need time to yourself, too. If you are left too long without seeing your friends and family, you wilt, and if you see too MUCH of them, you become tired and irritable.

    You are a sensitive and caring person, and you are very considerate of your friends' feelings. You are easily hurt, however, and people often hurt you accidentally with off-hand comments. You dislike confrontation, and your friends often do not realize that they have accidentally hurt you. You keep your emotions bottled up, rarely showing anger, or sadness. You don't want people to know how very sensitive you are, so you hide it under a tough, calm exterior.

    Your daemon would reflect your sensitive, thoughtful nature, and your tough exterior. He or she would provide you with the emotional support that you deny yourself, by not telling your family and friends how you really feel.

    Suggested forms: Gorilla, Orangutan, Gibbon, Hare, Bat

    ^^ и за мен е истина

Age : 29
Location : Някъде из SMent.
Job/hobbies : Doramas, Jpop, Kpop, Tpop, преводи ^^ MV/PV-та. тнт
Humor : ~|~ Винаги весело. С малки изключения xD ~|~
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 1716
Дата на регистрация : 19.03.2008


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Писане  Shivers Пет 23 Окт 2009, 21:10

    Какъв е твоят демон...? 3582291566291918699

    Calm Thoughtful Soul

    You are a calm and restrained person, and you don't usually let your emotions get the better of you. Your friends and family are very important to you, and you enjoy spending time with them. However, you need to get away from them occasionally, because you need regular time to yourself to unwind a bit.

    You are thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of others, especially your loved ones. You make an excellent listener, and your friends rely on you to be their rock in times of trouble. It is rare that you ask them to return the favour, however: you are a private person, and you rarely talk about your feelings. You don't like confrontation, and you don't usually react when someone hurts your feelings. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you don't want to cause a fuss. You pick your battles, and when someone steps over the line, you surprise them with the vehemence of your emotions.

    Your daemon's form would represent your poised, confident nature and your calm self restraint. He or she would probably rarely speak in public, but when alone, you and he/she could review the day, and he or she could provide the reassurance and comfort that you deny yourself by keeping your emotions bottled up.

    Suggested forms: Cheetah, Crane, Wolf, Raven.

    Не е особено вярно..
    Тоест не всичко е вярно..

Age : 31
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 5063
Дата на регистрация : 22.02.2008


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Писане  LiДо4o_O Съб 24 Окт 2009, 09:34

Tough Talker Soul

Какъв е твоят демон...? 9960846320256091247

You are extremely social, loving to be part of a big crowd, a big party, or a room full of extended family. When you are left alone for too long you tend to feel depressed and listless. You are comfortable with yourself, but have moments of self doubt, so you need your friends around you to help remind you of how special you really are.

You enjoy making conversation, and you love to talk and laugh, but you rarely talk about your own feelings. Perhaps you have been hurt before, and prefer to hide your weaknesses from the world. Or, perhaps, your are simply a bit of a giver and don't want to bother people with your problems. Many people do no realize how much you tend to hide, because you are so outgoing and talkative. Only your close friends understand how much you hold back.

Your friends see you as a rock that they can rely on. They come to your with their problems and you shelter them all under your wing. If your friends or coworkers have ever hurt you, or angered you, or upset you in any way, they are probably completely ignorant of it. You try not to let things get to you, and you soldier on regardless.

Your daemon would represent your social nature, your close relationship with your friends and family, and your unruffled exterior. He or she would probably help you put on a brave face when things go tough, and help provide that emotional support when you need it - support your friends would probably provide with abundance, if you ever sought it. You cannot hide such things from your daemon.

Suggested forms: Gull, Tern, Flying Fox, Bumblebee.

Age : 30
Location : Hоme, sweet home
Job/hobbies : Livin'
Humor : dark sarcasm
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 1432
Дата на регистрация : 14.10.2008


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Писане  Façade Съб 24 Окт 2009, 19:16

Distant Loner Soul

A confident and independent person, you are logical and probably very intelligent. Some people think you are a little cool and unemotional, just because you don't prattle on about your feelings all the time like some people do. Outbursts of either anger or joy are both rare for you: You try to keep yourself under control at all times. You tend to deflect any really personal questions with a joke, an overly-literal reply, or even an out-and-out lie. Your few friends and your family probably wish that they knew you better. You probably wish they would just leave you alone.

The thoughts and opinions of other people don't hold much sway over you. You don't spend time agonizing over other people's feelings, and you don't much care what people think about you. Sometimes your insensitivity can hurt people's feelings, but that's their problem. If someone didn't like you, you wouldn't lose much sleep over it. You march to the beat of your own drum, and if your friends and family think you can be a little odd... well, that's their issue.

You are an introverted person, disliking crowds and strangers. Some people might think that you are shy, but really, you simply find parties and crowds to be unpleasant and tiresome. You get exhausted quickly when you are forced into social situations, and you need some time to yourself to recharge afterwards. You don't like noise and chaos. You like to keep things calm and logical.

Your daemon would represent your cool, unruffled, solitary nature and would probably spend a lot of time comparing you favorably to the people around you, or helping you work out logically complex problems.

Suggested forms: Octopus, Manta Ray, Shark, Boa Constrictor, Komodo Dragon.

Age : 28
Character : Insane, Pervy ,Yaoi Lover, Dreamer
Reputation : 1
Брой мнения : 4937
Дата на регистрация : 05.02.2008

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Писане  Little.Vampire Вто 27 Окт 2009, 20:19


Age : 29
Location : Unknown
Job/hobbies : Goth & Vampires
Humor : Може ли да вечерям с теб?
Reputation : 11
Брой мнения : 2313
Дата на регистрация : 07.11.2008

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  Elune Be Praised* Сря 28 Окт 2009, 17:12

Какъв е твоят демон...? 10981276312553325938

Social Joker Soul

You an an extroverted, playful and confident sort of person. You seek out excitement, and you love to be right in the thick of things. You are enthusiastic, garrulous, and you love to attend large social gatherings. You love to laugh. If you spend too much time at home, away from friends and fun, you tend to "fade", becoming tired and a little depressed. A fun night out with your friends soon re-energizes you, though.

You make friends easily, and you probably jump between several groups of people. You probably have a group of friends for every need - the friends you drink with, the friends you jam with, the friends you talk with about the meaning of life... You blend in with each group of people, showing your sensitive side when you are with certain friends, and hiding it from others. You love to meet new people, and to make new friends. However, you are not a slave to popularity. You will speak your mind to defend yourself or one of your friends if necessary. You are no shrinking violet, and you are more than capable of fighting your way out of a tight corner.

That being said, your confidence and your enthusiasm for fun can sometimes lead to your making thoughtless comments which hurt or insult people. These people, however, are probably over-sensitive squares who don't appreciate your sense of humour. You don't have much time for people like that, anyway.

Your daemon's form would represent your social, playful, yet honest personality. He or she would probably urge you to create further mayhem, or would make snide comments in your ear about the people you meet on a daily basis.

Suggested forms: Toucan, Crow, Macaque or Bonobo, African Wild Dog, Macaw.
Elune Be Praised*
Elune Be Praised*

Age : 32
Location : I am everywhere. Yes that's right even in your head.
Job/hobbies : Баскетбол, Анимета, Фитнес, Музика, Психотерапия О.о
Humor : Копче! о.О
Reputation : 1
Брой мнения : 1213
Дата на регистрация : 10.11.2008


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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  Eyes On Fire Пон 23 Ное 2009, 19:50

Fun Loving Soul
Какъв е твоят демон...? 8744710203723274318

You are an open and social person. When you are left alone you tend to get bored and restless, and too much time without social contact makes you fade away. A good night surrounded by friends and laughter soon perks you back up.

You are trusting and truthful, and you aren't good at hiding your emotions from friends or strangers alike. People need to take you as you are - and often they do. You are confident but not overconfident, sensitive but not touchy. You aren't afraid to give your opinion, or to let someone know when they have offended you, but you don't constantly fly off the handle. You simply want to make your thoughts and feelings known, and you are just as open to hearing others' points of view. Sometimes your friends feel slighted by you, because they aren't as open about their feelings as you are, and so you don't always notice when they are feeling hurt or down.

Your daemon's form would represent your social and emotionally honest nature, as well as your balanced sense of self. He or she would constantly be throwing him or herself into the moment - enjoying the feel of the afternoon wind, the throbbing beat of music in the club, or helping you argue your point.
Suggested forms: Meerkat, Labrador Retriever, Sea Lion, Lemur
Eyes On Fire
Eyes On Fire

Age : 30
Job/hobbies : guitar and vocals
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 55
Дата на регистрация : 03.01.2009

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  nendi_chan Пет 01 Яну 2010, 04:22

beloved написа:
    Какъв е твоят демон...? 3582291566291918699

    Calm Thoughtful Soul

    You are a calm and restrained person, and you don't usually let your emotions get the better of you. Your friends and family are very important to you, and you enjoy spending time with them. However, you need to get away from them occasionally, because you need regular time to yourself to unwind a bit.

    You are thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of others, especially your loved ones. You make an excellent listener, and your friends rely on you to be their rock in times of trouble. It is rare that you ask them to return the favour, however: you are a private person, and you rarely talk about your feelings. You don't like confrontation, and you don't usually react when someone hurts your feelings. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you don't want to cause a fuss. You pick your battles, and when someone steps over the line, you surprise them with the vehemence of your emotions.

    Your daemon's form would represent your poised, confident nature and your calm self restraint. He or she would probably rarely speak in public, but when alone, you and he/she could review the day, and he or she could provide the reassurance and comfort that you deny yourself by keeping your emotions bottled up.

    Suggested forms: Cheetah, Crane, Wolf, Raven.

    Не е особено вярно..
    Тоест не всичко е вярно..

Same here~

Age : 28
Location : I'm assassin... It's natural not to tell you where I am
Job/hobbies : ...
Humor : JUST STOP THE FUCK BOTHERING ME, YOU JERK *picks up the gun and shoots the poor man* That's better^^ *then continues watching Lucky star*
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 203
Дата на регистрация : 08.05.2009

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  *Rain_Down_Love* Нед 28 Мар 2010, 19:00

nendi_chan написа:
beloved написа:
    Какъв е твоят демон...? 3582291566291918699

    Calm Thoughtful Soul

    You are a calm and restrained person, and you don't usually let your emotions get the better of you. Your friends and family are very important to you, and you enjoy spending time with them. However, you need to get away from them occasionally, because you need regular time to yourself to unwind a bit.

    You are thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of others, especially your loved ones. You make an excellent listener, and your friends rely on you to be their rock in times of trouble. It is rare that you ask them to return the favour, however: you are a private person, and you rarely talk about your feelings. You don't like confrontation, and you don't usually react when someone hurts your feelings. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you don't want to cause a fuss. You pick your battles, and when someone steps over the line, you surprise them with the vehemence of your emotions.

    Your daemon's form would represent your poised, confident nature and your calm self restraint. He or she would probably rarely speak in public, but when alone, you and he/she could review the day, and he or she could provide the reassurance and comfort that you deny yourself by keeping your emotions bottled up.

    Suggested forms: Cheetah, Crane, Wolf, Raven.

    Не е особено вярно..
    Тоест не всичко е вярно..

Same here~

me too, само че при мен е вярно

Age : 29
Location : Wonderland
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 31
Дата на регистрация : 16.03.2010

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  tin_min Пон 29 Мар 2010, 18:58


Striking results - 99% true for me Shocked

Age : 33
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 11
Дата на регистрация : 24.03.2010

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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  rock_pure3 Пон 29 Мар 2010, 20:51

Quiet Loner Soul
You are a quiet, solitary kind of person. You probably rely on your few close friends or family members to get you out of the house occasionally, or you would probably forget to leave. You don't like big crowds of people, or being in new social situations, because they make you feel uncomfortable and you get tired very quickly. You need to spend some time alone in front of a computer, book, or television to recharge after expending all of that social effort! You have a lot of personal projects that you like to spend time working on.

You don't spend much time talking about yourself or your emotions. Your close friends and family probably have to try and remember to ask you directly about your feelings, and even then you probably just smile or shrug a lot of the time. People who don't know you well probably forget that you even have emotions at all, because you never get angry or upset. Really, though, you just don't think of your emotions as being important. It doesn't even occur to you to call someone and complain about your day, or to retaliate when someone insults you. You march to the beat of your own drum, and you don't really care that much when other people think. You are calm and logical in nature, and reacting emotionally to things simply doesn't come naturally to you. Perhaps you have been hurt or embarrassed in the past, which makes you afraid to share your feelings. Or maybe you are just naturally that way.

At the same time, you are not uncaring, and you are aware of the feelings of other people around you. When a close friend or a family member is going through a rough time, you are sympathetic and probably wish you knew how to make it better.

Your daemon's form would reflect your solitary, calm, logical nature, but would not be aggressive or intimidating in appearance. He or she would probably spend time talking to you constructively about how to solve problems, or simply watching over your shoulder while you indulge in your hobbies.
Suggested form: Lizard, Gecko, Manatee, Tree Kangaroo, Grass Snake.
+100 вярно !

Age : 28
Location : все някъде..
Humor : ь.ь
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 98
Дата на регистрация : 24.03.2010

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Писане  Comma. Чет 01 Апр 2010, 17:05

Какъв е твоят демон...? 7692355709670232387

Multi-Faceted Soul

In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone a lot, but you don't like being constantly surrounded, either. You can be shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't "TOO" anything: You aren't too shy, you aren't too aggressive, you aren't too extroverted, you aren't too introverted. However at any one time you can be any combination of these things.

You tend to adapt yourself to match the situations in which you find yourself. You may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of your personality. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you. They may even tend to idealize you a bit. Then, when you do something that doesn't fit their concept of who you are (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke)they can be shocked and surprised. Does anyone know the real you?

Your daemon would represent your multi-faceted and ever-changing personality, as well as people's tendency to idealize you. He or she would get angry when you did not, be calm and poised when you felt ruffled and anxious, and always be the voice of emotion and reason in your ear.

Suggested forms: Swan, Elephant, Koala, Panda, Chameleon, Wolf.

Age : 26
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 121
Дата на регистрация : 30.03.2010

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Писане  unreal girl Пон 14 Юни 2010, 14:53

Shy Loving Soul

You are a sensitive and shy person. You want to be loved and liked, but you don't think people actually like you very much, and that hurts to think about. You like to be with your family and friends, who care about you. When you are with them, you can open up and talk and be yourself. Among strangers, however, you are nervous and tend to clam up. People are often surprised at how talkative you can be once they get to know you, because you appear to be so quiet and bland at first. You hide your feelings from people whom you do not know well, because you don't know if you can trust them. With your loved ones you can be more yourself.

Your feelings are easily hurt, and you tend to be easily embarassed. You are sensitive, and your loved ones may even tease you about being a little TOO sensitive at times. When your feelings are hurt, you don't always let on. You don't like confrontations, and you are not the sort of person to throw a melodramatic hissy fit. You just tend to fret over it for a few days, until eventually the misunderstanding is cleared up, or time heals the wound.

Your daemon would represent your shyness and sensitivity, and your love of family, and your tendency to hide your feelings from strangers. He or She would probably hide in your pocket or sit on your shoulder where he/she would whisper comfort into your ear.

Suggested forms: Rabbit, Dormouse, Dik-dik, Sighthound

много вярно : ))
unreal girl
unreal girl

Age : 29
Humor : Live for the people,not for their views.
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 89
Дата на регистрация : 13.06.2010

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Писане  Kótaro Fúuma Пон 14 Юни 2010, 17:56

Какъв е твоят демон...? 18154646921352195148

Regal Soul

You love to be around people. Without them, you would wilt and fade away. Too much time alone leave you feeling listless and sad, but a good night out with your buddies puts the spring back into your step. You make friends easily, because you know how to adjust your behaviour for each person. With a rowdy, loud, social type of person you can be rowdy, and loud, and social. With a timid and mousy person you can be quiet and sensitive. While you have many friends and many faces, you have an inner circle of friends and family with whom you can truly be yourself.

You are a natural leader. You tend to be calm and rational, and it is rare that you get angry or upset. Often, when someone accidentally hurts your feelings, you will smile and pretend not to be bothered by it, because you want to project a positive, self confident image. You pick your battles. When someone does cross the line, they are often surprised at the sudden strength of your defensive attack. On the rare occasion that someone evokes anger or tears from you, it seems to them that this storm burst from clear blue skies.

Your daemon would represent your social, outgoing nature, your adaptable presence, and your tendency to hide your sensitive spots from strangers. He or she would help you mold yourself to every variety of social situation, being calm or playful or frightening as each situation demanded. When alone together, he or she would be someone whom you could share your real feelings with.

Suggested Forms: Lion, Orca, Chimpanzee, African Elephant, Goldfinch.
Kótaro Fúuma
Kótaro Fúuma

Age : 31
Location : In The Shadows of Darkness
Job/hobbies : Ninja Style , Final Fantasy , Samurai Warriors , Random Anime , Devil May Cry , To Annoy General_Grievous xD
Humor : Victory is merely nothing in a world of chaos.Chaos shall crumble before me
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 157
Дата на регистрация : 10.06.2010

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Писане  Cloud Пон 14 Юни 2010, 19:03

Какъв е твоят демон...? 18154646921352195148

Regal Soul

You love to be around people. Without them, you would wilt and fade away. Too much time alone leave you feeling listless and sad, but a good night out with your buddies puts the spring back into your step. You make friends easily, because you know how to adjust your behaviour for each person. With a rowdy, loud, social type of person you can be rowdy, and loud, and social. With a timid and mousy person you can be quiet and sensitive. While you have many friends and many faces, you have an inner circle of friends and family with whom you can truly be yourself.

You are a natural leader. You tend to be calm and rational, and it is rare that you get angry or upset. Often, when someone accidentally hurts your feelings, you will smile and pretend not to be bothered by it, because you want to project a positive, self confident image. You pick your battles. When someone does cross the line, they are often surprised at the sudden strength of your defensive attack. On the rare occasion that someone evokes anger or tears from you, it seems to them that this storm burst from clear blue skies.

Your daemon would represent your social, outgoing nature, your adaptable presence, and your tendency to hide your sensitive spots from strangers. He or she would help you mold yourself to every variety of social situation, being calm or playful or frightening as each situation demanded. When alone together, he or she would be someone whom you could share your real feelings with.

Suggested Forms: Lion, Orca, Chimpanzee, African Elephant, Goldfinch.

Age : 28
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 812
Дата на регистрация : 06.03.2010

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Писане  nipper Сря 18 Авг 2010, 02:52

Какъв е твоят демон...? 17392163607968224619

Quiet Loner Soul

are a quiet, solitary kind of person. You probably rely on your few
close friends or family members to get you out of the house
occasionally, or you would probably forget to leave. You don't like big
crowds of people, or being in new social situations, because they make
you feel uncomfortable and you get tired very quickly. You need to spend
some time alone in front of a computer, book, or television to recharge
after expending all of that social effort! You have a lot of personal
projects that you like to spend time working on.

You don't spend much time talking about yourself or your
emotions. Your close friends and family probably have to try and
remember to ask you directly about your feelings, and even then you
probably just smile or shrug a lot of the time. People who don't know
you well probably forget that you even have emotions at all, because you
never get angry or upset. Really, though, you just don't think of your
emotions as being important. It doesn't even occur to you to call
someone and complain about your day, or to retaliate when someone
insults you. You march to the beat of your own drum, and you don't
really care that much when other people think. You are calm and logical
in nature, and reacting emotionally to things simply doesn't come
naturally to you. Perhaps you have been hurt or embarrassed in the past,
which makes you afraid to share your feelings. Or maybe you are just
naturally that way.

At the same time, you are not uncaring, and you are aware of the
feelings of other people around you. When a close friend or a family
member is going through a rough time, you are sympathetic and probably
wish you knew how to make it better.

Your daemon's form would reflect your solitary, calm, logical
nature, but would not be aggressive or intimidating in appearance. He or
she would probably spend time talking to you constructively about how
to solve problems, or simply watching over your shoulder while you
indulge in your hobbies.

Suggested form:
Lizard, Gecko, Manatee, Tree Kangaroo, Grass Snake.


Age : 30
Location : Пловдив
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 140
Дата на регистрация : 20.09.2009


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Какъв е твоят демон...? Empty Re: Какъв е твоят демон...?

Писане  N-i-e-r Нед 14 Авг 2011, 19:01

Какъв е твоят демон...? 7692355709670232387

Multi-Faceted Soul

In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone a lot, but you don't like being constantly surrounded, either. You can be shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't "TOO" anything: You aren't too shy, you aren't too aggressive, you aren't too extroverted, you aren't too introverted. However at any one time you can be any combination of these things.

You tend to adapt yourself to match the situations in which you find yourself. You may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of your personality. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you. They may even tend to idealize you a bit. Then, when you do something that doesn't fit their concept of who you are (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke)they can be shocked and surprised. Does anyone know the real you?

Your daemon would represent your multi-faceted and ever-changing personality, as well as people's tendency to idealize you. He or she would get angry when you did not, be calm and poised when you felt ruffled and anxious, and always be the voice of emotion and reason in your ear.

Suggested forms: Swan, Elephant, Koala, Panda, Chameleon, Wolf

Age : 30
Reputation : 0
Брой мнения : 23
Дата на регистрация : 14.08.2011

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